Our Story

What’s the Scoop? was opened on March 7, 2020, just as the world began to shut down due to COVID-19. Thanks to our amazing community and quick-thinking to find a way to provide curbside service, we were able to stay open and thrive through our first year.

The owners, Tracy and Aaron Brown, lived and raised their children in Brookville and want to contribute to improving the town that they love so much. Tracy handles the day to day operations of the shop, while Aaron supports the family with his full time job and also helps with repairs on the side. Their children Ashley and Austin can also be caught working in the shop as well.

Many of our employees are local students or residents. If you’re local, you will probably see someone you know getting ice cream when you stop in.

We love seeing our friends and family in the shop every day, and we appreciate the support we’ve received from the residents of Brookville and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide excellent service and amazing ice cream. Please stop in and say hello!